When I was in college, my grandparents had a major fire in their home. The house wasn’t destroyed, but declared a total loss. For some reason, we, my mother, sister, myself and our friends, had to inventory it for the insurance company. In the course of that inventory, I found that my grandparents had four very worn bath towels and enough new, used towels for both of them to use a different towel every day for a month without re-using any one.
Over 60 towels they were saving they were “saving” for …, for …. I don’t know for some future they never saw. We had to discard all those towels, the four ratty ones and the 60 “good” ones.
I learned something that day. I try to use all the things I have and love. That means letting something go if it gets broken. But I get to enjoy it in the mean time.
I hadn’t thought about applying the same philosophy to ideas but now I will.
Thanks for the idea, Shaunta!