Guideposts in the time of Quarantine
At the beginning of last year, Austin Kleon wrote an interesting post about how we perceive time. He contrasted so-called linear time (one thing after another) to circular time (everything returns again and again to a new beginning).
We didn’t know then that our ideas about time and its passage would be challenged during this extraordinary year. Looking back, I’m amazed at the different ways we have approached time during this time of epidemic and quarantine. Remember how we thought March and April were infinite, and how slowly the days and weeks and months seem to pass when the guideposts that used to surround us disappeared?
However, over the months haven’t we developed new guideposts: regular calls with family and friends, continuations of our volunteer activities albeit in a different mode, new or renewed activities like hiking, cooking, baking, or craft, other strategies?
I was intrigued with Austin’s graphic posted above suggesting fresh ways of considering time based on natural phenomena, heartbeats, sunrises, moon phases, seasons, and the return of spring. Do we move into a different mindset when we mark time by sunrises and the turn of the seasons instead of clocks and calendars.
After Our Quarantine Ends
This bizarre time has not come to an end, but many of us are already starting to think about how our lives will change again when this pandemic has been brought under control. What will you return to? What will you do differently? What will you save? What will you jettison?
Will you have a hard time reconnecting with the people and activities you’ve been avoiding, or will you jump into group gatherings, hugging friends and even acquiesces?
Will you keep up those phone calls, FaceTime, or Zoom meetings? Will you send more letters and cards, travel more, just be around other people?
Will you continue to wear a mask to some kinds of events or during certain times of the year, say during next fall’s flu season or when that cold is “going around” among your friends?
Have you thought about the first things you’ll do once you feel safe? When will that be for you?
Let’s talk. Put your thoughts in the comments.
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